Zagreb 是一个意外的惊喜。把它列入行程主要是因为要想从 Budapest 去 Croatia,只有到这里有直达火车。从火车站出来对面就是一个大气的广场和两个绿草茵茵的公园,紫色的玉兰花也正在怒放。沿着公园的林荫小道往旅馆的方向走去,看看两边漂亮的建筑,再看看当地人牵着的各种 perfectly-groomed 的狗狗们,不知不觉已经喜欢上了这个城市。只可惜因为拖着行李,没怎么拍照。
13世纪的 St. Mark's Church,最喜欢它的彩色房顶
Original Gothic sculptures at the southern portal
Interior of St. Mark's Church
Stone Gate, the eastern gate to medieval Gradec Town, now a shrine. According to legend, a great fire in 1731 destroyed every part of the wooden gate except for the painting of the Virgin and Child. People believe that the painting possesses magical powers and come regularly to pray, light candles and leave flowers (from Lonely Planet).
中间红顶房子就是 Lotrščak Tower,每天12点鸣炮宣告正午的到来
Zagreb Funicular
Dolac Market,物美价廉
市场边上的 Statue of Petrica Kerempuh
从这里可以看到Zagreb Cathedral 的两个塔尖
Zagreb Cathedral 正门
Interior of Zagreb Cathedral
教堂前面的 Mary column
Ban Jelačić Square
Ban Jelačić statue, Ban Jelačić was a member of the House of Jelačić and a noted army general, remembered for his military campaigns during the Revolutions of 1848 and for his abolition of serfdom in Croatia (from Wikipedia)
Interior of Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
Crkva Ranjenog Isusa 里的彩绘玻璃窗
Tkalčićeva Street
Art Pavilion 前的紫玉兰正在盛开
在从 Budapest 开往 Zagreb 的途中第一次坐火车过边境,觉得挺新鲜。匈牙利和克罗地亚警察依次上来检查证件,各种印章就挂在腰带上,很方便地就在护照上印上相应的章。车厢没有坐满,所以很快又能继续上路了。
Zagreb 的物价好像比别的克罗地亚城市都便宜,人也非常友善,在街上还有人主动要求和我们合影:)。记得临走前是在 TripAdvisor 排名第一的 La Struk 吃的午餐,真正的好吃不贵,推荐!
黄昏时分的 Croatian National Theatre
夜色慢慢降临,教堂里仍在举行庄严肃穆的 Good Friday 弥撒,街上的行人也开始变得稀少。在 Ilica Street 上漫无目的地徘徊,就这样,融入并迷失在这个遥远的异国都市中...