
克罗地亚 - 别具一格的Split (04/01/16)

Split气候良好,阳光充沛,拥有"Mediterranean flower"的美誉。它的老城就是Diocletian’s Palace, 是罗马帝国皇帝Diocletian在家乡修建的退休宫殿,现已成为平民百姓居住生活的地方,让人颇有岁月沧桑变换的唏嘘。

从Marjan Hill眺望Split,有山有水,构成一幅美丽图画

Bell Tower of St. Domnius Cathedral, a symbol of Split

Peristyle square, the heart of Diocletian’s Palace

从上图中间处下楼梯就来到Diocletian's Palace's underground complex

3500 year old Egyptian granite sphinx

Diocletian’s Mausoleum


Information Center也坐落在Peristyle square上

登上Cathedral of Saint Domnius的钟楼,远处的Marjan Hill尽收眼底

Silver gate

Golden gate

Iron Gate

Statue of bishop Gregory of Nin,  据说摸它的脚拇指会带来好运,让人梦想成真

Riva Promenade是人们休闲娱乐的好去处


Prokurative - Republic Square

Church and Monastery of St. Francis

Croatian National Theatre in Split

A monument to Filip Grabovac (Croatian Franciscan priest, professor, patriot, poet and writer)

黄昏时分开始爬Marjan Hill,看到一只斑点狗

还路过了这个没看懂的雕塑:), created by Bolivian-Croatian artist Efra Avila

简朴的Church of St. Nicholas

在Marjan Hill半山腰上的咖啡馆喝杯咖啡歇歇脚,有个观景台也离得很近。就这样,看暮色慢慢地垂落,愿时间就停留在此时,此刻。


People's Square (Narodni trg)

我们的旅馆离老城很近, 从阳台上就能看到钟楼和海, 非常方便。午餐是在Buffet Fife吃的烤鱼和鱿鱼圈,新鲜味美,价格公道,估计是当地人经常光顾的地方。



匈牙利首都布达佩斯 (03/22/16-03/24/16)


1904年竣工的Hungarian Parliament Building,长得像一座童话城堡,怎不让人一见倾心

从Danube Promenade上与Buda Castle隔河相望

Széchenyi Chain Bridge

在Café Kör吃了第一顿晚餐,餐馆不大,里面人很多,很幸运在角落里还有两个座位,饿了,不能再等了:)。

St. Stephen's Basilica

St. Stephen's Basilica内部,绝对让人awestruck,红色大理石把整个殿堂衬托得庄重而又高雅


Shoes on the Danube memorial, Conceived by film director Can Togay, he created it on the east bank of the Danube River with sculptor Gyula Pauer to honor the people (mainly Budapest Jews) who were killed by fascist Arrow Cross militiamen in Budapest during World War II. They were ordered to take off their shoes, and were shot at the edge of the water so that their bodies fell into the river and were carried away. It represents their shoes left behind on the bank (Wikipedia).

每个鞋子都在无言地诉说着悲伤的往事, 想想他们的绝望都会让人感到心寒

路过雄狮把守的Chain Bridge


就能到达Danube terrace,从这里远眺Chain Bridge和Pest

过了这个门就是Buda Castle了

The mythological Turul bird, a national symbol of modern Hungary (Wikipedia)

Monument of Prince Eugene of Savoy in front of Buda Castle

Fountain of the Fishing Children

总统府Sándor Palace前卫兵正在换岗

Matthias Church, built in Gothic and Gothic revival style

Holy Trinity Statue

Fisherman's Bastion was designed and built between 1895 and 1902, its seven towers represent the seven Magyar tribes that settled in the Carpathian Basin in 896 (Wikipedia)


King Saint Stephen's sculpture

把Hungarian Parliament Building装进这扇窗:)

看不够的Hungarian Parliament Building

Hungarian Parliament Building,里面富丽堂皇


议会大厦对面就是Museum of Ethnography


Statue of Imre Nagy at Martyrs' square,  Nagy was the reformist Communist prime minister executed in 1958 for his role in the uprising two years earlier (Lonely Planet),早春的花朵已经开始绽放。

我们的旅馆离Hungarian State Opera House不远

感谢网友的推荐,只花了2欧元就在歌剧院的顶层看了一场瓦格纳的歌剧Parsifal, unbelievable!:) 。可见匈牙利政府对艺术的普及还是很重视滴,反正座位闲着也是闲着:)。

Interior of Hungarian State Opera House

Impressive lobby

A sphinx statue outside the Hungarian State Opera House

Dohány Street Synagogue

超级喜欢Dohány Street Synagogue的内部,典雅精美


院子里Imre Varga's willow sculpture,美丽而又悲伤,每片叶子上都刻着Holocaust殉难者的名字

Rumbach Street Synagogue


米其林一星的小店Bors GasztroBar离得不远,一份三明治加汤才5欧元,非常好吃,推荐!


来到了大气的Heroes' Square

侧面就是Hall of Art

City Park Ice Rink,  opened in 1870, is the largest and one of the oldest in Europe (Wikipedia)

Elaborately carved portal, Jaki Kapolna Chapel


Statue of Anonymus, 据说摸笔尖能给人写作的灵感,难怪已变得这么光亮了:)

暴走一天后,黄昏时分来到Széchenyi thermal bath泡温泉,里面有很多不同温度的水池供人选择,我毫不犹豫地选了中间穹顶下最漂亮的那个:)

Ceiling in the lobby

出来后夜色已悄悄降临,Vajdahunyad Castle

走到Paprika Vendéglő去吃晚餐,喜欢这个装鱼汤的餐具

Chandelier inside Four Seasons Hotel Budapest (Gresham Palace)

Soviet War Memorial

Statue of Lajos Kossuth, leader of Hungary’s 1848-49 War of Independence against Hapsburg rule,雕塑后面隐约可见超长的黄色有轨电车。

Statue of the Independence War

Monument to the victims of the German occupation


Café Gerbeaud离此不远,甜点很赞
